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- ALL MEDIA LIBRARY ⌐1993-1999 Latshaw Software
- ******* Version 7 *******
- version 7.00.0071 released 1/27/1999
- - fixed bug which crashed program when trying to delete
- media types or categories that had apostrophies(') in
- their name. AML will no longer allow the user to
- enter a name that contains one of three invalid
- characters which are ", |, or &. Apostrophies are
- allowed and no longer present a problem in deleting.
- - fixed bug which crashed when search for text with a
- double quote mark ("). AML will no longer allow the
- search text to contain a double quote mark.
- - AML no longer creates the title "!New Blank Record"
- each time it makes a new record. This was a pain to
- most people because you had to then delete it for
- every new record.
- - increased width of location field in record view, as
- well as pieces and value fields.
- - fixed bug in ASCII import that only made notes
- available one time for matching.
- - fixed bug in ASCII import that chopped off last
- character of last field.
- - fixed error in Owner's Manual that referred to "speed
- options" in the edit menu. This was a carry over
- from version 6.5 Owner's Manual.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- version 7.00.0063 released 12/05/1998 First Official Release
- - added import from existing AML library option
- - added export to Microsoft Access option
- - fixed inability to use quicklist from list action button
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Beta 9 updates 11/30/1998 version 7.00.0061
- - added Inventory Report printing capability
- - added "items in stock" to Quick lists
- - added quick lists to grid popup menu (right-click on grid)
- - fixed items ovedue report to not show items due back today.
- - fixed value field in grid to not show all 6's
- - fixed typo in owner's manual which said to place a 16 in the
- pieces field when it should have said 5. Don't know how it
- got that way.
- - fixed "create new library" menu item so that cancel will cancel
- and added warning about creating multiple library files.
- - added media selector as a "tab stop" so keyboard users can
- quickly tab to it and select it quickly.
- - changed so that when selecting notes or details tab, the focus
- now appears on the first box for easy keyboard use.
- - Stripped "Beta X" from splash screen (start to look like final)
- - fixed a couple security loopholes which allowed browsers to loan
- items from the library. only an issue when security settings
- are used.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Beta 8 updates 11/22/1998 version 7.00.0057
- - added print list function
- - added inventory report (print function not yet implemented)
- - added import/export of library data (ascii only)
- - fixed program so that items not on loan show a NULL in "On Loan To",
- instead of a zero length string. This is needed for the inventory
- report to count the number of records on loan. Microsofts Jet
- database engine can search out NON-NULLs but not non-zero length.
- - added feature in tools menu to update a library from the NULL problem
- that existed pre-beta 8.
- - added first "Quick Lists" reports (more to come)
- - added ability to view entire loan history
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Beta 7 updates 10/27/1998
- - fixed bug that locked "industry rating" and "personal rating" fields
- - added mousewheel support
- - added Copy and Paste Record feature
- - when adding new record, set default pieces to "1" instead of "0"
- - when adding new record, set focus on Title Field to begin editing
- - added minor changes to Owner's Manual including second paragraph
- in "Getting Started" section about features in list that wouldn't
- easily be found.
- - began including this log file with the installation.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Beta 6 updates 10/18/1998
- - fixed bug that wouldn't show AML files when attempting to change
- default startup library.
- - added backup/restore feature
- - fixed bug so that help file can be now viewed from
- program. (help file still not complete)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Betas 1-5 not recorded.
- Version 1-6 not recorded.